ASA Staffing Index Continues Upward Climb

The American Staffing Association released its weekly employment index, which tracks temporary and contract work. From the ASA:
During the week of Sept. 6–12, 2010, temporary and contract employment rose 0.64%, maintaining the index at a value of 96.

At a current index value of 96, U.S. staffing employment is 39% higher than the level reported for the first week of the current year and is 25% higher than the same weekly period in 2009.

Staffing employment in September is 25% higher than in the same month last year, according to the ASA Staffing Index. The index for September is 96, up one point from 95 for August, suggesting that staffing employment has increased about 1% over the past month.

I like to follow this indicator because historically, an increase in temporary employment has been a leading indicator of full time employment. So far, this has not occurred as corporations don't feel confident enough to hire full time workers. Instead they prefer temporary workers who can be laid off quickly if demand drops.

Black Swan Insights


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